Face Reality.

Do you sometimes feel anger, even against yourself?

Do you sometimes feel restless and just want to escape?

Do you sometimes feel troubled by undefined fears?

Be grateful, since you are in touch with the Dragons.

The Dragons will always be stronger.

Most of us try to run away from the Dragons. Or we try to fight them. Both will never work.

We can try to run away from the Dragons, but we will never reach a place where we truly feel at peace.

We can try to fight the Dragons, but we will never win. On the contrary, the harder we fight, the more we get burned.

We cannot do harm to the Dragons. But we can do harm to ourselves and the people we love.

You have the whole rest of your life.

The Dragons are here to give you strength.

If you become friends with the Dragons, they will help you stop pushing yourself down.

If you learn to listen to the Dragons, they will help you find what really matters to you.

If you learn the language of the Dragons, they will help you be someone to whom others can connect.

No need to walk the path alone.