Dragonstrength Workshops
The Dragonstrength Workshops are designed to support you in making a big step ahead in your inner strength.
The first three workshops work on a “pay what you can” principle.*
All prices include food and accommodation.
1. The Dragonstrength Challenge
In this high intensity 1-on-1 session, you explore your Dragonpotential.
The first session includes the ‘Dragonstone ritual’, in which you receive your physical Dragonstone and charge it with your Dragonstrength.
Duration: 2 Hours
Price: 500€ (50€ – 5000€)*

2. The Dragonweekend
In this two day workshop, you dive deeper into your Dragonpotential, with the guidance of multiple Dragonguides and together with 5-11 other aspiring Dragonfriends.
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 1000€ (100€ – 10,000€)* per person

3. The Dragonweek
In this five day workshop, you go on a deep retreat to work on your Dragonstrength. This involves substantial stretches of time of solo work. For the whole duration, multiple Dragonguides will be at your side and you will work together with 5-11 other aspiring Dragonfriends.
Duration: 5 Days
Price: 2000€ (200€ – 20,000€)* per person

4. The Golden Dragonweekend
This exclusive workshop format is designed for people who want to afford themselves a specific high intensity version of the Dragonweekend.
You can choose to do this by yourself, or in a group of your choice of up to 6 people. In any case you will work with the guidance of multiple Dragonguides.
The setting and logistics will be tailored to your specific demands.
Duration: 2 Days
Price: 30,000€**

5. The Golden Dragonweek
This exclusive workshop format is designed for people who want to afford themselves a specific high intensity version of the Dragonweek.
You can choose to do this by yourself, or in a group of your choice of up to 6 people. In any case you will work with the guidance of multiple Dragonguides.
The setting and logistics will be tailored to your specific demands.
Duration: 5 Days
Price: 50,000€**

*The first three workshops work on a “pay what you can” principle:
Everyone should be able to afford them, but for everyone, their price should be an amount that you think seriously about.
For each workshop, we offer a full money back guarantee, if you feel that you did not get the value you paid for.
If you pay a high price for a workshop, your contribution will enable us to extend our offer to less well-off people and to continue the development of the Dragongame.
If you are currently unable to even pay the minimum amount, get in touch and we will work something out.
**The Golden Workshops are our response to the fact of existing wealth inequalities. We enable well-off people to do workshops that correspond to their specific demands and thereby make a contribution to our efforts to spread Dragonstrength to more people around the world.
Our approach is that of absolute zero judgement. Whether you are rich or poor, the Dragons are within us all.
We aim however, to give more people access to Dragonguides and Dragonstrength Workshops, for example by offering specific formats for homeless, prison inmates, people with (mental) disabilities, drug addictions, or from low-income backgrounds.

You have the whole rest of your life.
The Dragons are here to give you strength.
If you become friends with the Dragons, they will help you lifting yourself up.
If you learn the language of the Dragons, they will help you find what really matters to you.

No need to walk the path alone.
Get in touch and book a Dragonstrength Workshop